Wills Law Firm has been conducting residential, commercial and timber closings for over 30 years.
All of our transactions are handled in-house, including title examination, title clearance,
document preparation, closing, and post-closing.
Our firm represents a substantial amount of businesses involved in the timber industry and routinely
handles land and timber closings in the East Georgia counties of McDuffie, Wilkes, Lincoln, Warren,
Glascock, Taliaferro, Columbia, Richmond, Burke, Screven, Jefferson, Hancock,
Washington, Greene, Oglethorpe, Elbert, Madison, Hart, Franklin, and Banks.
In a time when most attorneys outsource their title examination work to a third party vendor,
John Wills takes the “old school” approach of going to the deed vaults in each of these counties and
conducting the title examination himself. While some may (correctly) say that John is too tight to pay
someone else to handle his title work, he truly believes that the best way to insure that his clients are
receiving good title to land and timber is to pull the deed books and examine the records on his own.
In addition to the transactional side of real estate, our firm handles litigation pertaining to real estate such
as title clearance litigation, representing lenders in real estate foreclosures, representing debtors in wrongful foreclosure actions, tax sales and foreclosing on the right to redeem, and landlord-tenant litigation.